General Hydroponics FloraKleen
Salt Clearing Solution. General Hydroponics FloraKleen removes fertilizer residues that can accumulate over time in hydroponic systems, growing media and potting soils. Use monthly to purge your hydroponic system or potted plants of excess salts that can accumulate as a result of regular fertilizer application. An excellent final flush that can be used at any time to dissolve mineral and salt buildup. Its high concentration and low price make it the economical choice for maintaining your plants.
• Dissolves accumulated fertilizer salts
• Reduces plant stress from excess and imbalanced nutrients
• Releases nutrient bonds between plants and systems, also correcting lock-out
• Use as a final flush a few days before harvest to promote maturation and sugaring
• Safe for use in all systems and media while plants are growing
Hydroponic Systems (between nutrient changes): Mix 1-2 tsp Flora Kleen per gallon of water. Use milder solution for young or fragile plants, stronger solution for older and stronger plants close to harvest. Recirculate in hydroponic system for one to two hours. Drain and refill hydroponic system with fresh nutrient solution.
Hydroponic Systems (final flush before harvest): Drain old nutrient solution and discard. Refill hydroponic reservoir with fresh water and mix 2 tsp per gallon of water. Run this solution during last day or two before harvest.
Soil and Soilless Mixes: Fill a watering can with fresh water and add 1-2 tsp of product. Drench until there is runoff from the bottom of the pot. Resume your regular fertilizer schedule with the next watering.